Automated irrigation for better plant growth
Have you ever wanted to install automatic irrigation in your garden? Then ecotube will interest you. The pearl hoses we developed are laid underground. To do this, simply dig out a narrow strip of soil where the plants should be watered. The depth varies – depending on the plants – between 10 and 40 centimeters. The automatic irrigation is so flexible that you can install it according to your needs - a circular installation is just as possible as a corner installation using a 90 ° connector. The pearl hose is then connected to the tap, the tap is opened and irrigation can start. If you want to use the ecotube automatically, you will also need an irrigation computer that controls everything.
The advantages of ecotube irrigation
Our ecotube irrigation is installed underground, which means that it cannot be seen and is not exposed to the effects of the weather - that is the first big advantage. The others are:
You save water because it is released directly into the root area and does not have to find its way there. This means you need up to 58% less water on average.
- Because watering is even, plants can grow better. Stress is reduced and the plants become more robust.
- Our robust irrigation also scores points when it comes to sustainability. We make the pearl tubes largely from recycled old tires.
- Only if the quality is right do the hoses receive a control number and leave the factory for the consumer.
- Since the soil from the surface to the plant roots is not moistened, far fewer weeds can develop - a crucial advantage for gardeners who find weeding a thorn in their side.
Turn manual watering into automatic watering by controlling everything with the help of a watering computer.
ecotube irrigation – very robust and durable
The pearl hose is equipped with micropores through which the water penetrates to the outside. There is an average of 1.3 liters per meter and per hour. These micropores are so small that water can get out, but roots cannot penetrate inside. This means that the automatic irrigation is very robust and long-lasting. By the way, you can also add non-crystallizing liquid fertilizer to the system and thus provide your plants with additional nutrients. Discover ecotube and get our practical irrigation system for efficient, time-saving and affordable garden irrigation.